Each and every person has a mobile phone nowadays. Getting to a customer is very much at ease when it comes to just clicking on the message and getting the information .This is only done through bulk SMS services. Information can be sent to the customer in various ways. Some methods need different applications, some need id’s to be made, some need certain credentials to reach the information. The easiest one of them all is the Bulk SMS services. It aids in creating an urgent connection with the customer and has endless uses.
Let’s eye down to some Bulk SMS Services vs Coinciding marketing strategies.
1. Bulk SMS vs email marketing:
The two marketing strategies are both used for sending information to the customers. But both are used differently by the customers. On an average a person receives 178 text messages in a month, whereas if we talk of emails on an average a person receives approximately 1216 emails in a month. Out of hundred only 22% of emails is read by the customer, where the reading percentage of messages are higher which goes to 90%.Similarly the URLs sent on the messages or email varies in the opening rate. URL links sent through messages are open more often than email URLs.
2. Bulk SMS traditional marketing:
Traditional marketing is sending the information related to deal, discounts, offers, rate, policies etc through newspapers ads, radio, TV, flyers, pamphlets, posters, hoardings and brochure etc.
As we are already aware of the smart phones within each arm it is more effective if we send direct messages to the customers, which will be accessible at just one tap. The bulk SMS service is not costlier whereas traditional marketing is very costliest services.
Thus making Bulk SMS services more effective and healthier. The Traditional method gives no guarantee if the customer will read or not the ads and information. As the people are glued to the mobiles there is a surety of the customers to read the messages and information.
3. Bulk SMS services vs Social Media Marketing:
Just imagine the ringtone on your phone, you see a message on your phone screen, you tap and there you go all ready with the information and message. On the other hand imagine making an account filling up the details, having credentials, scrolling up and down and then receiving information. Which do you think you would go for? Obviously the easiest of all, the Bulk SMS service that makes it easier to communicate with the customers.
Reaching the customer is made very easy through 98% of open and read rate off the SMS with 5 minutes of delivery. Through SMS the information is delivered to the customer instantly and it takes days for information to reach the customers through social media marketing. Bulk SMS services give a personal touch to the customers whereas social media marketing cannot.